Hey there, I'm DeiAsPie πŸ‘‹

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The days of knowledge scarcity have long gone. We are drowning in the so-called "knowledge" of everything. Despite this, there is still an immense thirst in all of us. Deep down we all realize Omniscience is Omnipotence. No matter what we portray on our social handles, somewhere, we still have the hunger for an education that would set us free and gift us the ability to truly think critically and independently.

But truly critical and independent thinking requires an additional step. The step of cutting off all the unwanted influences. The step of taking your Privacy seriously.
In the day where everything from your birth certificate to your obituary and everything in between has been digitized, when massive organizations are monitoring all your online activities and when mental spaces of individuals is regarded as untapped market then you know the frontiers have truly changed and we need some new shields.

Show me the shields πŸ”° β†’

I am already shielded 😌 β†’